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- You are a paying Subscriber to Conscious Calendars and you just need to LOGIN. Check your newsletter to see your LOGIN ID and Password.
Or CLICK the autologin link from an email that was sent to you. (You should be automatically logged-in, If it does not work, please login. Click the LOGIN button to your upper right and login with your email address and password. Or reach out to support. We will send you your login info again).
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- You just tried to change your password and something might not have worked. (A minimum of 8 characters is needed to change your password).
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You also just need to CLICK A LINK in an email that was sent to you. Make sure to check your spam folder, your "Promotional" folder in gmail, or junk email folder. Our email might have gone there. Once you CLICK the link in the email that was sent to you, you will automatically be logged-in.
If you need any help what so ever, please email [email protected]
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